Updated: Feb 11, 2019
Author: Tony Waldegrave
Adhesion recently contributed to Marketing Magazine and Idealog's showcase on Web Business.
Increasing traffic then converting website visitors to leads or sales is Adhesion's formula for online success. With more and more consumers looking to the web to help them shop, what can be done for the many businesses that are unsure how to tap into the online opportunity?
The answer, says Paul Russell, director of online lead and sales generator Adhesion, is to demonstrate to them one of the web's greatest marketing strengths. "This channel is all about measurable outcomes," he says.
Results Focused
No other marketing medium is as inherently measurable, meaning that an accurate return on investment is easy to calculate. So much so that Adhesion voluntarily sets traffic-based KPIs for itself when working with customers.
"We'll say, for example, that within three months we're going to increase your traffic volume by X percent and work to meet that number.
"We're not in this business to just build pretty websites or spend clients' money on campaigns that don't deliver."
But getting customers to understand that, particularly those that don't know where to start or what to do, is just one of several challenges for online marketing specialists.
"We want marketing managers to see that it's not quite as complex as they think—yes, there are new concepts and they may be a little different to what they think, but it's all knowable, doable and achievable."
Read the rest of the article on Idealog's site.
Our reputation goes hand-in-hand with our team’s dedication to best practice. As a registered Premier Google Partner, our team refreshes our certifications every 12 months — A tradition we started over a decade ago. To stay ahead, we are always looking forward to upcoming certifications for online advertising, website development and search engine optimisation.
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